Ceilings can be difficult to make look good. Thankfully, cladding has become a popular and ideal solution for covering your ceiling.

If you want to give your property the appearance of traditional brickwork, then choosing brick cladding is certainly the best choice, but if you’re looking for something more aesthetically pleasing, then steel cladding will allow you achieve a stunning façade.

But if it’s adding distinction, warmth and uniqueness to your project that you’re looking for, then going for terracotta or terreal terracotta cladding will surely come as an optimal solution.


How to Install Ceiling Cladding in 8 Steps

  1. As long as the ceiling is in good condition, ceiling cladding can be fitted directly onto it. If the room is new, the cladding can be installed directly over the plasterboard, which would allow you to save on the plastering costs.
  2. Determine the fitting method by checking the condition of the ceiling, its height and whether you have access above the ceiling in case you need it.
  3. Secure the cladding to the ceiling. You can use adhesive, plasterboard, staples or screws. If you plan on running the cladding lengths at right angles, screws are probably the best way to fit it.
  4. Fit all of the trim around the edge of the room. Sand the corner joints to give a professional finish and secure the edging with screws into the roof joints where possible.
  5. Start off by putting the tongue part of the cladding facing the wall and push it fully into the recently installed trim and secure it.
  6. Continue adding lengths of cladding following the same logic as before. Push the tongue of the new piece into the groove of the length previously secured.
  7. Fit the last length by pushing the long side into the trim and slowly work along the entire length of the cladding.
  8. The job is now complete. Check corners and borders to correct imperfections.